Monday, January 30, 2017


Beginnings are always interesting for me. I wonder where to begin or how to begin. Whether to start it off with a funny anecdote (which isn’t quite my forté) or some serious analogy into the craziness that is my life is always a major debate.
So I’ll just try to give you some details about myself and go from there.

  1. My name is Kate.
  2. I live in the Pacific Northwest.
  3. I attend George Fox University as an International Studies major.
  4. Traveling and writing are two of my greatest passions (hence… a travel blog).
  5. Dual-citizenship is rad.
  6. Over the course of ten years, I have lived in Canada, France (six weeks), Bosnia (ten months), and now, LITHUANIA.
  7. I have another blog with my Bosnian travels if you really want to know what kind of person I was as a senior in high school.

This blog will be an account of all my triumphs, trials, and all the awkward in-betweens of my life here in Klaipeda, Lithuania. I hope you enjoy reading as much I enjoy writing.
Anyway, I better get back to doing homework.
Until all of this is actually confirmed,
– Kate